At High Lift Financial, we understand that your finances may be in a precarious situation. That’s why we adapt to your needs and offer payment options while taking your circumstances into consideration.

We can be flexible in how you are billed and, in some cases, can customize how the fee is paid.

Our fee can be paid either through an annual flat fee retainer, an annual asset management fee, an hourly rate or any combination of them, depending on the client’s circumstances or their inclination.

Each level’s fees are determined by the amount of time and attention that the client requires, the complexity of the client’s situation and the level of service they desire. These levels need to be agreed upon by both the advisor and the client and an advisory agreement will be executed.

With this, you’ll be able to stay within budget and keep up with payments while we devise solutions to get you out of your financial predicament.

Contact us now to see how we can help you achieve your financial goals or schedule a meeting today!

High Lift Financial

2150 Hillholm Street
Johnstown, PA 15905

Office: 814-201-5855
Toll-Free: 855- 804-3548
Fax: 855-804-3547

Disclosure Documents


All information is obtained from sources deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. No tax or legal advice is given nor intended. Content provided herein or on our website should not be construed as an offer for investment advice or for securities, insurance, or other investment products. Investments involve the risk of loss and are not guaranteed. Consult a qualified legal, tax, accounting, or financial professional before implementing any investments or strategy discussed here.
High Lift Financial is a DBA for DiFrancesco Financial Concierge, LLC.  Investment advisory services are provided through Cornerstone Planning Group, LLC, an independent advisory firm registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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